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For the ashes

Bios Memorial Tree

Bios Memorial Tree


Bios Urn Memorial Tree is designed to turn the ashes of your loved one into a tree. Thanks to its design and manufacture, the urn provides proper germination and later growth of the tree. In this way, death becomes a transformation and return to life by means of nature.


Bios Memorial Tree

The Bios Memorial Tree is something we love, an urn designed to hold ashes and compost, where a seed or sapling can grow. It uses the natural qualities of the ash (phosphate) as a type of fertiliser.

It has been designed by Martín Ruiz de Azúa a Spanish conceptual designer.

The Bios Memorial Tree is a biodegradable urn. Made from coconut shell, compacted peat and cellulose and inside it has the seed. We think this is superb – the tree has a direct connection with the ashes, as it find nourishment from them, a life from a life.

Bios Memorial Tree is designed to turn the ashes into a tree (or other plant). Thanks to its design and manufacture, the urn provides proper germination and later growth of the tree from a person’s ashes. In this way, death becomes a transformation and return to life by means of nature.

The  Bios offers users an alternative for remembering their loved one. In a natural, sustainable fashion, thereby turning the “death” process into regeneration, by returning life by means of nature.

Using the Bios Memorial Tree

The Bios is very simple to use. First, you place the ashes in the lower cone, closing the urn with the top capsule. Then open and mix the components in the top capsule, adding soil from the site where we are going to plant the urn. The top capsule will become the perfect growth medium to allow the growth of the seed. Finally, you add the seed in the upper capsule.

For faster growth, and greater certainty, you can replace the seed with another type of sapling, shrub or plant: we recommend using a native plant that is good in alkaline soils. The Royal Horticultural Society has a good advice page.

Plant the Bios Memorial Tree Urn about 3-5 cm from the soil surface. Once planted, make sure the seed has the right water and humidity levels.

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